Profile PictureChaos Magick Art

From Bombshells to Taco shells, we have Chaos in all kinds of shells (our favs are the orange colored candy coated shells). By utilizing a rather unique approach that combines a bit of the newer mindfulness methods with a handful of the old school wisdom, adding a couple three dashes of psychotherapeutic techniques and a whole lot of math, we concoct AI Generated Chaos Magick Sigils/Fractal prompts to aid you in finding Mind Blowing Transformation ~ Chaos Sandwich style and to the Power 3. Needless to say, it's the first of its kind and the prompts haven't been shared, so if it isn't Chaos Magick Art, then your Butterfly Effect may be more of a popcorn fart. We strive for Flutter By's that float like bees and sting like Muhammad Ali. In fact, I was rather flattered when the Flutter By wanted to get a tattoo of me on it's lower back. Currently, the offerings here will be coloring pages along with the original digital download of the sigils created for listed manifestation. Sized as follows: Coloring Pages 8.5" x 11" printable pdf Matching Sigil 8.5" x 11" printable pdf Sigil 5"x7", at least 300 dpi, png Sigil 8"x10", at least 300 dpi, png Sigil 16"x20", at least 600 dpi, png The Chaos Magick Art Philosophy Codex Chaos Magick Art also offers Bespoke Crafting Sessions. You can find an intake form at our website:

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